Written by 9:42 am Accidental Death of an Anarchist, cant pay wont pay, dario fo season, Devious News

We Want Corroborators

Act For Food

We’re currently in the auditioning process for our upcoming Dario Fo Season. And we’re looking for the entire team. Actors, Technicians, Designers, everything!

We’re holding auditions this coming Saturday August 29th for actors. But even if you don’t want to act and you just want to come in and talk to us about a different aspect of production then please do.

For any prospective actors, we are looking to cast certain roles in both Accidental Death Of An Anarchist and Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay!

We are looking for actors who are extremely physically adept, creative and well able to improvise. Both these plays need to be reinterpreted by the actors and the rehearsals will require the actors to workshop scenes and develop their own work. Both pieces require heightened physical comedy and so we need a tight company of actors who can work fluidly in tandem with each other in a creative environment. Both these plays are actors pieces and so we need very enthusiastic, imaginative and committed ensemble working together.

If any of you are interested in either or both plays (or know of people who might be), can you contact us at info@devioustheatre.com and we’ll organise audition times from there.

The Dario Fo Season opens this winter when Accidental Death Of An Anarchist opens in the Set Theatre, John Street, Kilkenny from December 2nd – 6th.

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