Written by 2:20 pm Cannibal The Musical, Devious News

Two Weeks to Opening Night!

Packer Mining Expedition 1873

That mere fact is something that astonishes me, as the audition process back in March seems like it was only yesterday. Yes folks, it’s less than two weeks to the opening night of the Irish premiere of Trey Parker’s Cannibal! The Musical! It’s all hands on deck at this point as we all hurriedly rush about getting all the necessities tied up and prepped for the big night. The final poster made it’s online debut last week but starting from tomorrow, we’ll be peppering the town with as many of them as possible.

Speaking of promoting the show, our press packs have been polished, wrapped up and are winging their way to all necessary media outlets, spreading joy (“Yay! A package in the post!”), fear (“Oh dear, there’s a severed hand in here”) and word on our project that has consumed us all at The Devious Theatre Company for many a month. More can be read about these interesting press packs at their creator, Ross Costigan’s weblog.

The rehearsals too have been pretty relentless as we get nearer to the 22nd. The songs are shaping up nicely, the scenes are gaining some improvised magic and a certain dream sequence had us all proclaim it’s one the strangest things you’ll see on stage this year.

We’ll continue to update our site during the buildup, performance and aftermath of Cannibal! We hope you’ll all join us for the ride?

Keep watching the skiis!
The Devious Theatre Company

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