Written by 7:33 pm Devious News, Trainspotting

Trainspotting Auditions Close

We’ve got our concept art laid out and we’re starting to fill in the blanks!

The audition period for Trainspotting has come to a close, casting decisions being made this weekend. We hope to have an announcement of the final cast online come Sunday night. And yes, Begbie will probably end up looking something like the above picture. Our wonderful designer Paddy Dunne has created a whole wonderful range of concept art so keep an eye out for it!

Trainspotting, the first production on our 2008 programme of theatre, runs from June 24th to June 28th in the Watergate Theatre, Kilkenny. Booking queries (groups and individuals) may be directed to the box office at the Watergate Theatre by phoning +353 56 7761674.

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