Written by 8:25 pm Devious News, Trainspotting

There Is A Light…

And it never goes out…

Last night so the final performance of Trainspotting and well, it went down well. Very well indeed. We’ve had standing ovations up the jacksie, people travelling from all around the country and a whole bunch of amazing words have been written and spoken about what we did with Irvine Welsh’s classic novel.

And we admit a certain amount of pride when people pass comment about the albatross around our necks and say nice things like ‘That was soooo different from the film’ and mean it in a really good way.

It’s been fantastic to bring this kind of play to Kilkenny and use such a popular work to do what we’ve set out to do: get young people into the theatre and get them excited about it. And that’s what we’ve done. For every Trainspotting (or Cannibal!) we do, it allows us to experiment with an original work of our own making and it’s this balance that we want to get right. Trainspotting saw huge crowds, brilliant box office and a lot of happy, disgusted faces coming out of the theatre. Result! Young and old, they came and brought their bottles of cider or wine or packet of sweets and they enjoyed the hell out of the grim mix of social despair, absurd black comedy and deathly dark drama that we put on the stage of the Watergate.

Thanks to our awesome cast, our amazing crew and our brilliant audiences.

Thanks for choosing us.

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