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The Great Big Devious Table Game Of General Knowledge Show?

devious-table-quizIt’s only taken us 6 months but it’s time for the first stirrings of a Devious Theatre event this year!

We are starting our fundraising drive for 2013 by pitting teams against each other in a furious, blood thirsty competition of who is the best at thinking smart and clever and writing it down.

Yes, it’s the first annual Great Big Devious Table Game Of General Knowledge Show?

Or a table quiz… if you’re into the whole brevity thing. It’s taken us a long time to run a table quiz… quite a long time for a theatre company at least. Our own Amy ‘Baby’ Dunne was a longtime cheerleader of the table quiz and we nearly had one in 2007 and then 2008 and then 2009 and got pretty close in 2012 but now, finally, we add to long and constant list of table quizzes in Kilkenny by launching one of our own!

On Thursday June 27th, Billy Byrnes on John Street is the venue where gladiators of trivia will do battle to win the bountiful prizes on offer and assert themselves to be the champions of both general and really, really specific knowledge.

It wouldn’t be a Devious Theatre Table Quiz without being devious in some way so you’ll see rounds that will be performed, acted, recited and in some cases relying entirely on sound and vision. Yes, it’s a table quiz with a twist.

If you know lots about music, film, TV, theatre, sport, Kilkenny trivia and lots of other miscellaneous crap then chances are, you’ll win. If you don’t, best get yourself on a team with someone who does.

Thanks to our very kind sponsors who have given us a bounty of prizes to give away. They include: Rollercoaster Records, La Rivista, Brewery Corner, The Book Centre, Lorimat Jewellers, Mathews Café, The Fig Tree, Kilkenny Rugby Club, Spark Productions, OUT For The Weekend, Italian Connection and Hennessy’s Sports.

It’s €20 per table of four, spot prizes galore and kick off is at 8.30pm. May the best team win… obviously. It’s a fair competition lads. So spread the word, tell your friends and assemble the best quizzical team that you possible can! We hope to see you all there!

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