Written by 5:05 pm Devious News, Some Flood

Survival Of The Fittest

some_flood_production1 some_flood_production7“Because the sharper you are, the more like Bear Grylls you are, therefore the more ready you are, for anything. Anything that might just, happen”

We’re counting down to the final two performances of Some Flood at Dublin Fringe Festival. If you want to catch the show now you need to sharp, well adjusted, alert and maybe, just maybe, sexy.

Survivalist TV shows have a lot to answer for…

Some Flood runs until Friday 12th September at 9.15pm nightly in Boys School, Smock Alley. For more info check out our page on the Tiger Dublin Fringe website and to buy tickets you can also visit the Fringe Box Office at Filmbase or call 1850 374643.

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