Written by 5:40 pm Devious News, The Centre Of The Universe

Soul Of The Universe


The Centre Of The Universe is back this weekend for a run out at this years Body & Soul Festival.

John Doran will be packing his show into a bag (it’s a Show In A Bag, see) and bringing it to Ballinlough Castle, Co. Westmeath for this weekend’s festival. The one man comedy about one man’s attempts to set up his own cult debuted at last years Tiger Dublin Fringe and we began touring it earlier this year. This is the first date on its summer jaunt so if you haven’t gotten a chance to catch it yet, you’ve got ample scope to be able to do so.

It will play the Bulmers Lounge at 3pm this Saturday June 20th for one performance only. The full line up for the lounge is very exciting and you can read all about it right here.

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