If you want to get your hands Smitten tickets, we’ve just put them on sale. They can be bought from the good folks at Rollercoaster Records on Kieran Street and they cost €10. Tickets can be booked on 056 – 7763669.
They look very pretty indeed so we’re sure you’ll want to get them framed with your pretty programme and your pretty posters as soon as the show is finished. Right? Right? Anyway, pop into Willie and the lads down in Kilkenny’s best record store and they will furnish you with everything you’re looking for!
Smitten will open in just under 3 weeks time and will run for only 4 nights from Wednesday August 20th to Saturday August 23rd at 8pm nightly! All information and updates on the show can be found on our website, Bebo and Myspace and all the other site that we’re currently operating!
And if you’re feeling that you may get confused as to where the play is taking place, we’ve included a handy little map of The Barn on the back! And if you want to do your homework first…
Please click on our Smitten themed map to The Barn above for further orientation!