Written by 9:25 am Devious News, Smitten • 3 Comments

House Open, House Sold!


Well, that was nice.

Smitten, our fourth production, opened last night in The Barn, Kilkenny, to a sold-out house. Managing to up the capacity of the venue late yesterday we’re now seating for 80 patrons (we’re already regretting not squeezing in a few more) and each of the 80 seats disappeared before the show opened last night. It’s great to get a call from the ticket office (and many thanks to Rollercoaster Records in Kieran Street for handling our sales) in the afternoon to say they’re all out of tickets. With a limited number of tickets available on the door, whatever tickets we had for yesterday’s show vanished before the lights went up.

It’s hard to see we’re back at show week again with Trainspotting still in the minds of some of the cast but yet, six weeks on from the Watergate, we’re right back in the thick of it doing what we enjoy most – putting on new theatre in Kilkenny.

Given that opening night far surpassed the expectations of myself, the rest of the committee, cast and crew, started throwing word out like mad to advise people not to delay in getting a ticket for Smitten. We never bank on a show being a total sell out success but the lack of chicken counting has rendered us very pleasantly surprised by the hot cake sales on Smitten. We won’t be adding any additional shows to the calendar for the week. While we *might* have a very limited number of tickets available on the door, you can still purchase tickets for tonight, Friday night and Saturday night from Rollercoaster Records on Kieran Street in Kilkenny.

This is the only venue tickets are available from during the day. Tickets, while they last, are priced at €10. We’ve enjoyed our opening night and hope that you’ll enjoy the rest of the week. Come see us, we’ll try squeeze you in if we can!

Producer / Playing ‘Niall’

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