Written by 7:00 pm Devious News


The final part in our In The Future When All’s Well season in Kilkenny Arts Office is Smitten. We first performed the play in 2008 over a sold out 4 night run in The Barn. Now our original musical comedy returns in a new version to finish our residency in No. 76 John Street.

Smitten is a play that wants to be a musical.  Claire used to be a nurse but then she emigrated. Now she’s returned home from South America with her tail between her legs only to discover that finding her feet on home soil is proving harder than she expected. Especially when everyone else is shaking off their brollies and getting ready to head for greener pastures. As Claire tries to enthuse herself about settling in Ireland, she realises that life is not the Technicolor fantasy that she projected as a teenager and no amount of song or dance is going to help that. It’s about leaving or staying. It’s about committing or not. It’s about a world where the the grass is greener on the other side. The musicals taught us that there’s no place like home. But why does it have to be so black and white?

The cast are Amy Dunne, Ken McGuire, Kevin Mooney, Lynsey Moran, John Morton, Maria Murray, Suzanne O’Brien, Jack O’Leary, Annette O’Shea and David Thompson. The show is written and directed by John Morton.

We are proud to announce that Smitten will open at Solstice as part of the Cork Midsummer Festival on June 16th. For more information on Solstice check out their website and also please check out their fund:it page and consider funding what will be an exciting new project.

Smitten then plays Kilkenny for 7 nights from June 26th – July 2nd where it will finish up our current season in Kilkenny Arts Office, following on from Scratcher and Shifting. Tickets will be available to buy on tickets.devioustheatre.com. Stay tuned for more details!

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