Written by 9:44 pm Devious News, shakespeare in bits • 2 Comments

A Shakespearean Success

Kilkenny’s most recent addition to the online press, Kilkenny Alive, has an article published today covering the Shakespeare In Bits performances and Shakespeare In The House festival at the weekend.

The feedback from the event has been fantastic. The festival was a great idea and its brilliant to see that it was such a success. Anything that’s going to get young people interested in theatre and Shakespeare is a more than worthwhile undertaking. Between ourselves, Young Irish Film Makers, Dreamstuff Youth Theatre and Cartoon Saloon, it was great to see a lot of Kilkenny’s arts community teaming up for a festival of this kind. Young people flocked in to attend the various shows, screenings and workshops. The buzz has been good and in talking to Mike Kelly, the festival organiser, it’s clear that he’s got some brilliant ideas for the festival in 2010.

For ourselves, we were pretty bowled over by the reaction to Shakespeare In Bits and we’re going to take it off, polish it up and we hope to bring it back in a new production later in the year so keep an eye out for that one!

Again, we just want to give props to Mike and the team of organisers, to our own brilliant troupe and to the audiences who flocked into Rothe House to watch our wares.

To read the article in full, and check out more photos, click here to visit KilkennyAlive.com.

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