Written by 10:02 pm Devious News

Secret Movie Read

secret-movie-webposterThis is as devious as we get…

We are once more delighted to be part of Out For The Weekend, Kilkenny’s annual Pride festival. This coming Saturday August 23rd in Brewery Corner we’ll be presenting Secret Movie Read. A secret movie classic gets performed by a secret cast at 8pm. You won’t find out what the movie is or who the cast are until you’re in your seat. Yes, it’s extremely sneaky but we hope that we’ve earned the goodwill to warrant paying to see something that you have no idea about. But we promise, we will make your 90 minute non cinematic experience a script read like no other. So come along, grab a drink and allow us to entertain you.

The idea comes from a similar night filmmaker Jason Reitman occasionally runs in Hollywood. But unlike his script reads we absolutely guarantee our cast are not famous.

8pm kick off upstairs in Brewery Corner, it’s €5 entry on the door, seating is limited and popcorn is provided. The audience may* be required to participate, get rowdy and shout along. *will most definitely

Join us for a very, very, devious evening! For more info on the festival, check out the website.

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