Written by 7:12 pm Devious News, The Roaring Banshees

The Roaring Banshees Workshopping

The Roaring Banshees

This week we’re workshopping The Roaring Banshees, a new play by Peter McGann and John Morton, the writers of The Hellfire Squad.

“January 1923. After a failed assassination attempt on Eamon De Valera, a rogue unit of Cumann na mBan flee to prohibition era Chicago where they set up a poitin bootlegging operation and are soon embroiled in a turf war with Al Capone’s Outfit. So begins the tale of The Roaring Banshees…”

We’ve got a belter cast of Annette O’Shea, Amy Dunne, Roseanna Purcell, Aoife Spratt, Clare Monnelly, Camille Ross and Áine Ni Laoghaire to workshop with us and make machine gun noises with their mouths. All overseen by the steely eye of Sarah Baxter, the director of The Hellfire Squad.

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