Written by 8:55 am Devious 10, Devious News, Pulled

Pulled – Trailer #2


Amanda and Michelle are feeling the worse for wear in the new trailer for Pulled. Can they fight the fear and pull their shit together?

Rehearsals are nearly at their end for Niamh Moroney‘s new show and the final part of our Devious 10 programme for 2016. Niamh along with co-performer Andrea Bolger and director Ita Morrissey have been putting the finishing touches to the play ahead of next weeks opening in Central Arts, our production partners on this show. It opens on Tuesday September 13th and runs until Saturday September 17th.  It won’t be long before it arrives in Kilkenny. Three performances only from September 29 to October 1st in Set Theatre Kilkenny. Get your tickets here: http://set.ie/

Check out the trailer, shot and edited by Matthew Reilly.

Tickets for the show are €12 and you can get yours for Pulled in Waterford right here. To buy tickets for the Kilkenny run, check out set.ie.

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