Written by 6:37 pm Devious News, War Of Attrition

The Psychopath Test

16We’ve just unveiled a new promo video for War Of Attrition.

It’s called The Psychopath Test and is based on Hervery M. Cleckley’s 16 behavioral characteristics of a psychopath as laid out in his influential 1941 textbook The Mask Of Sanity. Our new promo, designed by Paddy Dunne and edited by Ken McGuire, lays out those 16 characteristics. So, how many do you tick off? Take the test:

How does the psychopath test fit into the play itself? The only way to find out is by joining us in The Watergate Theatre, Kilkenny from the 9th-11th of December and in Project Arts Centre, Dublin from 15th-20th December.

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