Written by 9:42 am Devious News, Phantasm

Phantasm Tickets Go Onsale

Tickets for our performances of Phantasm as part of Solstice have just gone onsale!

The play, which is written by John Kennedy and directed by John Morton, will open in Cork at midnight on Thursday June 28th. The second performance of the show at Solstice will take place on Saturday June 30th at 4.30pm. The show has a running time of 30 minutes. Both performances will take place in The Eylsian which is the main venue for this years festival.

Tickets for Phantasm are €5 and can be bought on the Solstice website, right here: http://solsticecork.com/devious-theatre/

It’s as simple as that! The line up for the festival is looking fantastic and we’re so excited to be a part of one of the best new arts events in the country. Believe us, if you’re considering coming down to Cork for it, it’s a trip well worth making. Solstice have, like us, just launched a Fund It campaign, check it out here.

And keep an eye on this here website for more updates on Phantasm. She’s rolling.

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