Written by 10:13 am Devious News, Phantasm

Phantasm Is Happening

‘We could go anywhere in the world and you want to go to a wood in Cork?’

With Cork as one of the destinations of choice in John Kennedy’s new play Phantasm, it’s pretty apt that we open the play down there tonight at Solstice as part of Cork Midsummer Festival.

We’ve been really enjoying the festival so far (despite the Biblical floods last night) and we’re super excited to be unveiling the show on the stroke of midnight! At least, we hope it’s the stroke, it’s more romantic that way. We’re looking forward to meeting audience members and peeps from other theatre companies so it will be great to hear what people think about the show!

If you haven’t gotten tickets for tonight’s performance (or Saturdays) you can do so here: http://solsticecork.com/devious-theatre/

We hope you’ll come along and enjoy the trip!

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