Written by 8:56 am Devious News, Phantasm

Phantasm Hits Kilkenny

We’re delighted to announce that fresh off its successful debut run at Solstice, we’ll be bringing John Kennedy’s new play Phantasm to Kilkenny for two runs in August.

The drug addled comic romance will open at the Abhainn Rí Festival in Callan on August 2nd and 3rd. It plays Fennelly’s during the run of what is fast becoming one of the best festivals that Kilkenny has to offer.

It then plays our old stomping ground of Cleeres Theatre from August 23rd-25th as part of this years third annual OUT For The Weekend. Over the course of the festival it will run for 5 performances in total. Tickets for all performances will be €8.

We’re looking forward to bringing this Kilkenny set play home to a Kilkenny audience and it’s also a great opportunity for us to take in two of the best up and coming local festivals. Keep an eye out here for more details.

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