Written by 10:26 pm Devious News

Mmmmm…. Millet For Birds!

Can't Pay? Won't Pay! Millet... for birds

Is your man tired of the same old dishes? Are mammy’s home grown recipes lacking a certain amount of pizzazz? Things need spicing up in the kitchen?

Well don’t fret girls, the answer is here! Buy our new range of Millet and your man will go cuckoo every dinner time!

It’s not just for the birds you know!  Every seed is full of delicious good stuffs and wonder supplements that will make your man spread his wings after a hard day at the nest!

So if your man demands feeding after a day caged up at work, wet his beak with a good dose of our trademark Millet!

And don’t you girls worry your pretty heads, our fairly priced Millet is completely within your household budget! And if the bosses jack up the prices? Well, why not act the magpie?

Your man is guaranteed to trill it for his millet!

Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay! plays the Set Theatre, John Street, Kilkenny from March 10th – 14th 2010. Book your tickets online at tickets.devioustheatre.com, or Rollercoaster Records, Kieran Street and Set Theatre, John Street.

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