Written by 12:30 am Devious News


The theatre machine is revving up for the third time around.

THEATREclub’s innovative and exciting LP of diverse theatrical sights and sounds THE THEATRE MACHINE TURNS YOU ON will see its third volume released this January. This is a very exciting thing. It’s become one of the most exciting projects to embed itself in the Irish theatre landscape in recent years and THEATREclub have done an excellent job of promoting it. It’s where new work is presented and where people get to try out their crazy ideas. It’s exposure, practice, presentation, innovation, experimentation and diversification under one big umbrella. It can be the making of a young maker. And the third installment is going to kick off another revolution.

And no, we’re not part of it this year.

But the reason we’re writing this article is to draw your attention to it and tell you that it is well worth your time picking up a bunch of tickets and checking out what’s happening under your nose this January. We didn’t submit anything for this years machine (we’re so tired) but we did have the pleasure of premiering our show Scratcher in February 2011 at THE THEATRE MACHINE TURNS YOU ON: Vol II. It was our festival debut in Dublin and it shone the biggest light on our work in the capital to date. For the first time, a lot of theatre makers of our generation got to see our work being showcased. Our Dublin cheerleaders got to see us in action. We got to present our work to a packed house. We got to make our mark and tell people that this is what we do. It was a lot of fun.

There’s a lot of great work that’s going on this year and you should definitely check all of it out. John Morton of this parish is part of the team working on Sheer Tantrum’s Konstantin Has Shot Himself so he’ll be on the front line this time around. But there are a lot of other shows we’re going to catch. Off the bat, we’ll be checking out Germans Don’t Get Bosco by With An F Productions, Meadbh Haiceid’s MADONNA, Martin Sharry’s Looking For Work, Dan Bergin’s Fused and Edwina Casey’s Safe Filth. The people making those shows excite us so that’s the top of the shopping list for now. That’s one of the joys of a festival like this, there’s a lot to discover. And you can even compile your own mix! For €25 you can make your own mixed tape of 4 shows which is an absolutely sweet ass deal and one any discerning theatre fan should avail of.

Be part of the revolution. Get on the machine. It runs January 8th to 19th in Project Arts Centre, Dublin. For more info check out www.projectartscentre.ie and THEATREclub.ie

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