This is Alan’s first production for us. He took the time during rehearsals to take a grilling.
1. Tell us a bit about Inspector Pisani.
He’s a smooth talking, hard assed, son of a bitch!
2. What’s the best thing about working on a Dario Fo play.
Getting to do all of the Chaplin-esque slapstick.
3. What’s been the hardest thing about rehearsals so far?
Keeping a straight face.
4. What do you think is your favourite part of the show?
All of it, it’s class. Tell your friends!
5. What are you thoughts of the Set Theatre?
It’s gorgeous! It’s like a baby Carnegie Hall, and it’s great acting in a new space, it adds to the energy of the play.
6. How do you think the audience are going to take to the play?
Piss themselves laughing but hopefully have something to think about to.
7. Decribe the play in 5 words.
Crazy make up mad taches.
8. What are you most looking forward to?
Getting in front of a live audience, hopefully a full house!
9. Do you think the play is relevant to Irish society at the moment?
Yeah, the lads have done a great job at making the script completely relevant.
10. Nerves?
Accidental Death Of An Anarchist opens this Wednesday, December 2nd and rund until Sunday December 6th. Tickets are available in the Set Teatre, Rollercoaster Records and on this website.
[…] the police headquarters in Milan, Italy and later transformed into the office of Inspector Pisani (Alan Butler ) in the same building on the fourth […]
[…] The Madman Final Week Rehearsals Interrogating – David Thompson – Ken McGuire – Alan Butler – Sean Hackett – John Morton – Simone Kelly Who Is Dario Fo? (And why does he […]