Written by 4:06 pm Devious News

In With The New

Shift – Verb (Used With Object)

1. to put (something) aside and replace it by another or others; change or exchange: to shift friends; to shift ideas.

Well, that’s the idea. Whilst we’re knee deep in guns, paperwork and revolution for Scratcher we’re also prepping our next production, Shifting by John Kennedy.

And the above use of the word ‘shifting’ comes into play because we’ll be changing things up by bringing in a fresh crop of actors. Or new ‘deviants’ if you like.

We’re looking for actors aged between 15 – 20 to come on board the production which will be the second play in our current In The Future When All’s Well season of work. Shifting very much looks to the future as it chronicles a group of friends in present day Kilkenny as they break apart amidst fracturing relationships while coming to terms with the dawn of adulthood. This original piece of comic drama is written by John Kennedy who is our associate writer for the duration of the residency here in No. 76 John Street.

Ironically, we’ve had to shift the original dates as we realised we’re clashing with the upcoming Kilkenny Rhythm and Roots Festival. Shifting will now run from the 19th – 23rd of April.

When we started off in 2006, having come from Dreamstuff Youth Theatre we immediately brought with us a group of younger actors who still straddled the line between youth theatre and an adult group. A couple of years on we’ve got a well integrated troupe who have served us well through all our productions. Now we’re looking to replenish Devious Theatre with a new bunch of Kilkenny’s youngest and brightest. We had always intended for Shifting to be the show to blood in a new group of actors (if anything, that looks much worse when written down) but it’s now taken on a new dimension of urgency with the apparent suspension of all activities by Dreamstuff Youth Theatre. The future of theatre in Kilkenny is something we’re very keen on safeguarding so it’s with this in mind that we intend for Shifting to represent the future of theatre in Kilkenny.

To this end, we’ll be holding auditions on the 8th, 10th and 12th of February in No. 76 John Street. If you want to come and audition for us, please send an email to info@devioustheatre.com letting us know who you are, what you’ve done to date and what audition date suits you best.

Here’s to the future!

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