Written by 4:08 pm Heart Shaped Vinyl

Heart Shaped Vinyl, Cork Style


Heart Shaped Vinyl is back again but this time, it’s not us who will be performing it.

John Morton’s debut play will be hitting the People’s Republic of Cork on the 11th to 15th of December. UCC Dramat are behind the new production featuring a cast of fresh faces and perhaps some other surprises too! Our own Niamh Moroney (Kate in our Heart Shaped Vinyl & George Noon in Cannibal! The Musical) is on hand to assist fellow Kilkenny head Maria Butler in her direction. Niamh will also take to the stage again, this time in the guise of Julie in the 1960’s sections of the show. So if you’re in the Rebel County and are up for a night of great theatre, be sure to check it out!
Heart Shaped Vinyl runs 11th-15th of December at The Granary Theatre, Cork. 8pm Nightly. Tickets are €7 or €5 with concession.

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