The second album cover for Heart Shaped Vinyl takes us into the era of punk and everything’s gotten that much scuzzier.
1977 – I Wanna Be Your Dog by The Stooges
Deedee is a punk rocker. And her favourite band are The Skidmarks. Her latest memento? Their lead singer Jimmy Skids.
1979 – I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend by The Ramones
The Pope is in Ireland and punk is on the way out. A despairing Jimmy doesn’t want to move with the times. But the times have moved Deedee towards Bryan.
Kevin Mooney, Alexandra Christle and Philip Brennan play Jimmy, Deedee and Bryan in Heart Shaped Vinyl.
Kevin Mooney is a founding member of Devious Theatre and has appeared in all productions of Heart Shaped Vinyl, directing the 2007 version. He last appeared as The President in The Union last July. Other Devious Theatre credits include Some Flood (which he co-wrote), Night Of The Living Dead and Smitten. He also co-wrote our radio version of The War Of The Worlds. He last appeared in The Elephant Man by KATS in The Watergate Theatre.
Heart Shaped Vinyl returns to John Cleere’s Bar & Theatre from May 18th-21st / 25th-28th. Tickets for the show can be booked here. This series of posters designed by Ken McGuire.