Written by 11:19 am Devious News, Little Deviations, Vultures, War Of Attrition

A Very Good Year

woa-galway-15 This is our final post of the year, one to generally sum everything up in a nice, neat little package and set the reset button for what will hopefully be a cracking 2014!

We spent the first six months of this year having meetings about new plays, writing those new plays and getting ready to do those plays. Then for the last 6 months of the year, we did those plays. Oh, and got the other new plays ready for 2014.

Little Deviations: Volume 1 back in August was probably one of the most fun projects we’ve ever done. You get a bunch of new, in progress plays, you assign each of them to a director/performers team, you give them a 20 minute time limit and then you let them go nuts. And that’s exactly what happened! It was loud, boisterous, messy and rowdy as hell but it was a tonne of craic and the atmosphere in Cleeres Theatre was pretty magic. It also bodes well for the shows, which this lot below will start rolling out in full starting next year!

IMG_9386Then we went into full on attack mode with War Of Attrition. It was our first Dublin Fringe Festival show as well as our first trip to the Galway Theatre Festival and boy, did we enjoy the hell out of it. Great crowds, great reviews, great time on the road! And if you missed the war, it’s not over yet…

woa-galway-3 Finally, we returned to the recording studio for the first time since The War Of The Worlds with Vultures, a new detective radio serial that we hit the studio with in November. It will hit airwaves and interwebs in early 2014 with a 20 episode run kicking things off. We did have a lot of fun recording it and maybe we wore the costumes in the studio… maybe.

photo 2So, what’s going on in 2014? Well, we’ll have a new show in the early part of the year (yup, it’ll be one of the Little Deviations: Volume 1 crop), we’ll be remounting one of our previous shows, we’ll be putting Vultures out there and it’s pretty safe to say, we’ll have a table quiz at some point. But we’ll be putting all of this into writing come January when the production wheels start moving again.

So for everybody who has supported us, befriended us, spoke nicely of us and clapped at us, thanks for a proper sterling 2013. We’re very excited for all that 2014 holds. Now, for a spot of mulled wine and a heavy dose of festive cheer. Have a great Christmas everyone!


The Devious Theatre Company

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