Written by 9:48 am Devious News, Some Flood

Some Flood Rising

1532112_576189152459558_2093644964_nAt the very top of the year it’s really nice to announce a new show straight out of the gate and that’s exactly what we’re doing!

Our next production will be Some Flood written and performed by John Doran and Kevin Mooney and directed by Eddie Murphy. It tells the story of Noah, the last man left in Ireland after an apocalyptic flood wipes out the rest of the country. With only himself for company, he takes refuge on his rooftop base trying to survive the wrath of nature. But nature isn’t the only thing he needs to survive…

1514534_10151789167776746_1898889898_nIt’s a play we’ve been developing over the past two years, including a presentation as part of Little Deviations: Volume 1 last August in Cleeres Theatre. We’re hugely excited about presenting Some Flood this year and kicking off 2014 as we mean to go on.

Some Flood will have its first official airing with a work in progress showing as part of Quarter in Cork on February 1st. Quarter is a one day arts festival which takes place tri monthly at the TDC in Triskel Arts Centre. We’re very excited to make our first trip to Cork since 2012 and it’s great to be part of such a fantastic programme. This will be our first opportunity to present a preview of Some Flood as a full production. We’ll be quickly following up with dates in Dublin and Kilkenny in February and March which we’ll be announcing very soon indeed.

This is your Orange alert weather warning. The flood is coming…

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