Written by 12:56 am Devious News, Some Flood

Down To Flood


Yes, today is the day where we are full tank DTF. We have set up shop in Dublin and we are down to flood!

Some Flood previews tonight at Boys School, Smock Alley Theatre at 7pm and we couldn’t be more excited to show it off. It’s had the benefits of Fishamble’s New Play Clinic and brand new set, lighting and sound design over the summer and it’s in great nick. Plus, we suspect Kevin Mooney and Eddie Murphy might have been working out… there’s a lot of pressure when you’re going to be in your underpants for an hour.

We’d love to get a big, sweaty, laughing, raucous crowd in for the show. If you liked War Of Attrition last year, then come sample something different from our crop of work. So tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell everyone you know to come along for what will be 60 minutes of the best apocalyptic, flood based comedy you’ll see on an Irish stage this year.

We hope you guys are down to flood too.

Some Flood previews tonight September 6th at 7pm before opening proper on Sunday night September 7th at 9.15pm and running until Friday 12th September. For more info check out our page on the Dublin Fringe website and to buy tickets you can also visit the Fringe Box Office at Filmbase or call 1850 374643.

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