We’re the first theatre company outside of Barnstorm Theatre Company to perform work in their amazing custom made space, The Barn. And because it’s not a well established venue, there’s a lot of people who don’t know exactly where it is.
So our crack producer/designer/lad of all trades Paddy Dunne has created this snazzy Smitten themed map from the city centre to The Barn which will hopefully get you all well orientated.
The Barn is a studio space that lies right in the heart of medieval Kilkenny. Located in Church Lane, directly behind St. Canice’s Cathedral, the building was formerly home to the old Loreto Convent. The space was developed by Barnstorm Theatre Company who have used it for performance and rehearsal over the years. It is located directly behind The Good Sheperd Centre building and we’re delighted to be able to bring a Devious crowd into one of the best performance spaces in Kilkenny.
And for your extra orientation pleasure, we’ll have the map printed on the back of the tickets when they go on sale next week!