Written by 9:32 am cant pay wont pay

Don’t Forget Your Online Tickets!

CPWP - Tickets

If you’ve purchased tickets for Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay! online, don’t forget to bring them with you on the night! Everyone who has purchased tickets online for the current run of Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay! will have been emailed PDF versions of their tickets including their name, details, and a wee barcode to scan your tickets. While we can check the online reservation system there on the night, we do ask that you bring the printed versions of your tickets with you to the venue in order to ensure quick entry.

While it’s nice and early, you can still get tickets for tonight’s performance before online sales close. Tickets are also available online (we hold a certain number back for online sales) for Saturday and Sunday and can be purchased via PayPal or credit card from our secure online ticket sales area.

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