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Devious Theatre Resides In The Future When All’s Well

In The Future When All's Well

We’re happy to announce our biggest project to date and one which will see us producing 3 full scale productions in 2011 and a new radio theatre project.

We have been invited to take up residency in the Kilkenny Co. Council Arts Office for the best part of 2011 and so, we will be laying down roots in No. 76 John Street from January. The main objectives of the residency are for us to develop our own work and professional development as well as engaging with the public. We will be opening our space to audiences who can engage with the processes of theatre such as script development, rehearsals, prop and set developments, not to mention the productions themselves.

The all encompassing title of our residency is In The Future When All’s Well (Yes, that’s a Morrissey nod). The three main productions of the residency (which we’ll be announcing next week) are going to address the prospects for an Irish generation in their teens, twenties and thirties facing an uncertain future. So yes, there will no doubt be a lot of anger and disillusionment on display but more pertinently, we will produce a series of works that examine where we’re going at this point.

In this time, the four scheduled productions are lined up amidst a slew of other exciting projects. We’ll be announcing the entire slate of works next week and also, we’ll be announcing which young writer is coming to join us for the residency. It’s the first time the Kilkenny Co. Council Arts Office have chosen a theatre company to be their artists in residence and we are very proud to do so in Kilkenny starting this January. We’re very much looking forward to working with Mary Butler and her team whilst presenting a fresh new programme of theatre throughout 2011. Stay tuned here for future information.

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