But apparently we’re pretty good at it!
We’ve been shortlisted in the Web Excellence category at the South East Local Marketing Awards which take place today in Waterford. In the running in our category are SelfCatering.ie and DoneDeal.ie.
We’re unconventional marketeers, truth be told. At one stage we sent severed hands in the post.
We’ve been using marketing across social networks for near on three years, forums, promo videos, behind-the-scenes videos, Twitter, MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, email, posters, leaflets, local media, national media, radio, podcasts, blogs… we’ve done it all. And we’ll continue to do it as well. And it would be pretty sweet if people kept wanting to nominate us for it!
Best of luck to everyone going along today, myself, John and Kevin will be along so do say hello 🙂