Written by 9:37 am Devious News, Vultures

Birds Eye View

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Making a radio series was an absolute hoot, if you discount all the cabin fever we suffered and the spread of many airborne diseases. Here’s a behind the scenes look at the making of our current radio series Vultures, with some stealthy photos from Ross Costigan Photography.

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We recorded the series in KCLR96FM’s Carlow studios (which we were very lucky to have all to ourselves) over a 5 day period. Here’s a look at the cast of Stephen Colfer, Ross Costigan, John Doran, Amy Dunne, Seán Hackett, Ken McGuire, John Morton, Niamh Moyles, Suzanne O’Brien and David Thompson in action, sometimes in costume and sometimes, not.

We’re into the last week of Vultures airing live on KCLR96FM so if you want to catch up with all episodes of our show so far, you can do so here.

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