Written by 11:43 am bash: latterday plays, Devious News, theatre, Theatre News

Bash Final Poster

This is the final poster for our production of Neil LaBute’s bash: latterday plays which runs from October 17th – 22nd in Cleeres Theatre, Kilkenny.

It showcases the four letter based posters that we’ve released throughout the week, featuring the cast of the play Amy Dunne, Ken McGuire, John Morton and Annette O’Shea.

As usual, the poster design was handled by our wonderfully talented designer Paddy Dunne, who is nearing both the 50 mark and exhaustion when it comes to our posters.

Tickets for bash have just gone on sale in Cleere’s Theatre at the price of €12. Bookings can be made on 056 – 7762573 and of course, online purchases can still be made here.

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