Written by 7:32 am Devious News, Theatre News • One Comment

And The Winner Is Pursued By A Bear

Saturday saw the fourth annual Irish Blog Awards take place and I managed to make it along (see my review or sorts here) as ‘Devious were shortlisted in the Best Arts & Culture Blog category on the night alongside Pursued by a Bear, The Asylum, Chris Judge Illustration and Scamp.

The shortlisting is great for us – it did spark a few conversations on the night and it’s nice to see your blog get from nomination through to the long list and finally into the top five. We do have great plans for the blog and site and very much intend on being back in that same final five for next year (fingers crossed anyway).

Thanks too for the big cheer! It’s interesting to see who’s been following us, catching up with Trainspotting and all the other shows (I did leave some copies of the Trainspotting DVD with people that had a viewing session in Dublin yesterday).

Though I didn’t get to congratulate her in person on the night, big hat tip to Fiona of Pursued by a Bear who took the gong in our category on the night.

To quote Robin Blandford on his review of the night…

…the blog awards is a spotlight on you to do something great, you got the audience – go do it… start a company, publish a book, make something better, create something, start something, become someone, enable something, grow someone, harder, better, faster, stronger… you have 364 days left. GO!

While this was my third year in attendance and I was the only deviant there, hopefully we’ll get the whole crowd down for the fifth show in 2010!

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