Written by 9:25 am Devious News, Night Of The Living Dead

5 Weeks Later

Coming To Get You…

7 days left…

With 1 week to go on our Fund It campaign for Night Of The Living Dead, we’ve been amping up all of our publicity in an attempt to get people to come on board and increase our funding. Right now, that funding is exactly €1,740 away from hitting the target. If we can raise that much in the next 7 days we will secure a much needed €5,000 for our big production of 2012. With the wheels of production having started full time last week, it’s funding that is crucial.

We finished the script in the (very) early hours of this morning, ahead of our first cast read through this week. There’s a new poster shoot happening this weekend. We’ve just seen the model of our set from Harry Harris of Nefarious Design (we’re keeping it under wraps until opening night but suffice to say, it would make Romero proud), we’ve a week of production meetings lined up and yes, rehearsals are starting to loom! It’s all happening on the Night Of The Living Dead front!

We’ve a lot more of this lined up

With so much happening, we are absolutely depending on this chunk of funding coming through and allowing us to move ahead with all of our plans to make this show. If you haven’t, please check out our Fund It page and see if any of the rewards tickle your fancy. If you’ve already done so, please spread the word and get it out there! We are planning on this show being quite the zombie bashing spectacle and your support will make a huge and crucial difference to us.

Although we should really stop using the ‘Z’ word. Romero wouldn’t do that.

Thanks to the wonderful and supportive people who have come on board in the past week to help fund Night Of The Living Dead. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all. They are: Carol Bradley, Eszter Nemethi of the good ship Solstice, Medb Lambert, Ann Mulrooney, Aine Connellan, our neighbour Tomm Moore, Alice Kiernan, Ingrid Dunne, Hannah O’Reilly, Nate Reinig, Luke Harris, our lovely soundtracking chum David Sheenan, Hounds Hollow Productions, Mark Grace, Terry and Jeanne Christle, Patricia McQuillan and our own Amy Dunne, Anne Cody and David Thompson.

5 weeks down. 1 to go! Fund It!

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