Written by 9:21 am Devious News, Night Of The Living Dead

2 Weeks Later

We’re getting ready to do more of this…

It’s the second week of our Fund It campaign for Night Of The Living Dead and here we are again, writing some updates and dishing out some thank you’s.

This week has certainly seen a slow down in pledges towards the campaign but that’s always inevitable after the first week splurge of activity. We’re anticipating that next week will be even slower BUT it’s not like that’s all bad, by no means at all! We hit the €1,000 mark this week which means we are officially 1/5th of the way there! So that’s a great thing!

To have those pledges and to hear how much people are looking forward to it has been amazing for us. We’ve been trying to spread the word in as many ways as we can in a slow and steady way. One of the nice ways we were able to promote it was when I (John) got to take part in the Rise Production’s Irish Theatre Podcast. I had a great interview with Aonghus Óg McAnally where I could quite unashamedly plug both the show and the campaign. You can listen to it here, if you so wish. (By the by, just subscribe to the podcast anyway, it’s an indispensable resource for any self respecting Irish theatre fan.) So that was nice! Connie was also on the Arts Show on KCLR96FM and despite being mostly there for her contributions to the Poetry Broadsheet, she managed to get in a plug for the play. The presenter in question (a certain Mr. Ken McGuire) did a damn good acting job of pretending he wasn’t the producer of said play! So we’ve been finding our ways to get the word out there. We might need to find more ingenious ways of promoting the campaign in the next 3 weeks, but I’m sure we’ll come up with something. (Zombie flash mob anyone? Zombie flyer run? Zombie mugging?)

As I write this, we are 2 days off of starting on full time pre-production for the play (more on that during the week) and it’s really nice to go into it with a lot of support for the Fund It campaign ringing in our ears. It makes all that script polishing, set designing, make up testing, prop building, stage managing, promo plotting a whole lot easier knowing that as it stands, there’s definitely an audience for the play.

Applying some effects

How do we know there’s definitely an audience? Well, a good chunk of them have already bought their tickets here!

Thanks to all of our second week funders for coming on board. And those blessed and sainted souls are: Alan Cliff, Chloe O’Connor, Eilis Ni Bhroite, our brilliant stage manager Aidan Doheny, the folks at Counter Productions, Peter McGann, Michael Murphy, Liam Murphy of The Munster Express, Aidan Crowe, and some lovely and talented ladies who have worked with us: Aoife O’Reilly, Hazel Fahy, Lucy McKenna and Liadain Kaminska.

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