Written by 3:59 pm Devious News

10 Years A Launching

The Launch

We always try and avoid launches (the above photo is from our first launch). They’re always a bit nervy, like having people over for a formal reception or something and we don’t like making speeches (the below photo is from the second launch we did). Look how awkward we look. So for the third launch we’ve done over the last decade we’re going to try something different.


When it’s a case of celebrating your 10th birthday, you can just call it a birthday party and it takes all the starch out of launching! So we’re launching our Devious 10 programme for our 10th anniversary and we’re going to have a bit of a birthday bash and we’d like to invite you along!

On the night, we’ll be having a celebration of 10 years of Devious Theatre in the lovely surroundings of Bosco’s Café in The Watergate Theatre. This is upstairs in the Watergate where we’ve launched before but Bosco’s is the new café set up in the theatre and it looks gorgeous so we’re already onto a winner. It’s a bit of a launch, a bit of a birthday bash and a bit of an excuse to eat some cake and drink some wine.


We will be announcing what will be making up our Devious 10 programme for 2016. We will be performing three shows in three different venues in Kilkenny this year. We will also be touring new work to different venues around the country and we’re very excited to share it with you.

Show 1: Heart Shaped Vinyl, our very first show, gets a reissue for a 2 week only run in John Cleere’s Bar & Theatre from May 18th-28th. We will be announcing the 14 strong cast on the night.

Show 2: To Be Announced.

Show 3: To Be Announced.

Come and get devious with us on March 11th. The event kicks off at 6pm.

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